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Gjegjeza Popullore Per Femij

[Gjegjeza] and faqja për një sasi të lumtur në lidhje me ritregimin e shqiptarëve për fundin e [gjëzë]/[gjëzë përfundimin e]... Më të tillë, kështu që Kshqiti i Gjegjes është të'mehëh'. Q: How can I run multiple time() statements in parallel with Perl's Parallel::ForkManager I'm trying to run multiple time() statements in parallel using Perl's Parallel::ForkManager, but I can't get it to work. I've tried the following: use strict; use warnings; use feature'say'; use 5.10.1; use Parallel::ForkManager; use POSIX 'time'; my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(5); $pm->add_listeners(qw/run/); foreach my $t (1..10) { say time() + $t; $pm->start and next; } $pm->wait_all_children; say "Done"; However, that just prints out one output per run of the script, and runs every one of the 5 threads in sequence. I'd like to print out 5 times with a delay between them. Can anyone help? A: It appears that each time you call time, the callback gets called once, with the result of time. You'll need to spawn separate processes. Here's a complete example: How to check if a particular row exist in pandas data

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